Faculty of Business


Prof. As. Dr.  Shkëlqim Fortuzi

Deputy Dean

Dr. Ermir Shahini

Deputy Dean

Prof. As. Dr. Servete Gruda


Business Faculty was opened with a Decision of the Council of Minister of Republic of Albania, Nr.801, 21.12.2006 as one of the main units of the University  Aleksandër Moisiu” (UAMD). When it was created it was know as Faculty of Economy and Administration, since 2010 it is name was transformed into Business Faculty (BF).


Since it is beginnings, Business Faculty has been based in  best western academic practices and experiences. This Higher Education Institution issues diplomas in albanian and english language and evaluation is made according to credits system ECTS and american system. Graduates dispose diplomas that can be converted and recognized worldwide for further academic studies of employement opportunities. The philosophy of the faculty in all its academic levels and process has always been “student at the center of our attention and priorities


The Faculty opened for the first time its doors in the academic year 2006-2007 for 500 students from the whole country. Nowadays the Faculty counts 1970 students graduated from the First Level of Studies, Bachelor, 919 students graduated from the Second Level of Studies, Master of Science and Professional Master and 68 students graduated from the Third Level of Studies, Doctoral Studies.


The Faculty is composed from these base units(departments):

  • Department of Finance and Accounting
  • Department of Management,
  • Department of Markenting,
  • Departamenti of Economics Science,
  • Department of Tourism .


The Programs that the Faculty offers are :

  1. 8 (eight) full time study programs at the First Level of Studies: Hotel-Restaurant Management, Cultural Tourism Management, Archeological Tourism Management, Economics Science, Bank and Finance, Business Administration, Management Marketing, Finance and Accounting..
  2. 2 (two) part time study programs at the First Level of Studies: Business Administration and Finance and Accounting.
  • 5 (five ) study programs at the Second Cycle of Studies, Master of Science: Business Management, Marketing, Economy-Business,Finance-Bank, Insurance Industry and Risk Management.
  1. 6 (six) study programs at the Second Cycle of Studies, Professional Master: Business Administration. SME Management, Finance-Bank, Life Insurance, non-life Insurance and Maritime Insurance, Management of Cultural Heritage of Adriatic.
  2. 4 (four) study programs at the Third Cycle of Studies, Doctoral Degree(PhD Degree): Public Administration, Bank-Finance, Economics Science and Marketing.


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